City of Glass

World: SALKSALKNDKLDNDKDLDKKLANDKLDNA. I adore the world that Clare has created in this series. The mythology, the "magic", the creatures and characters and all of it...I absolutely adore it. I can't even.....I just.....gah, there are no words.
Characters: ^see above. The characters in this series/this particular novel are some of my all time favorite characters of ever. Clary is amazing, Isabelle and Alec are amazing, Luke and all the other adult characters are amazing, even the VILLAINS are amazing. Magnus Bane is one of my favorite characters ever written, he's positively amazing. And Jace...words cannot express my love for Jace. I keep racking my brain trying to come up with something I don't like about the way he's written or some other character from some other book who was SURELY better, but...but I can't. He's absolutely my favorite male lead character of all time at the moment, and that is a difficult title to grasp, because I never choose favorites, because my mind is ALWAYS CHANGING. So there we go.
Plot: OHMYYES. I was so disappointed with points in the plots of both City of Bones and City of Ashes, but THIS ONE YES. It was non-stop action, completely and utterly consuming, and there is a point in this book where something is revealed which makes me happier than almost any revelation in a book ever has. (People who have read this almost certainly know what I mean, but that is all I shall say.)
All in all, I can't say enough good things about The Mortal Instruments series. The world, plot, characters, and dialogue are all absolutely perfect. I will admit that, even though I am usually all for the continuing of a series, I am a little surprised that this is going to go on past a seemingly perfect ending. Regardless, I am SO EXCITED to start City of Fallen Angels, and see where the second half of this incredible series leads.