NOCTE (The Nocte Trilogy Book 1)

Now, with regard to Nocte specifically: this book is a brilliant and incredible roller coaster ride from beginning to end. I was hooked from the very first page, and I just finished it and my head is still spinning. There is not a terrible amount I can say without spoilers, and spoiling this book would be an absolute sin, so let me just say this: I am generally very skeptical of book descriptions that tell me I "won't see the ending coming" because, for the most part, I always see the ending coming. Not to say I'm a book-reading genius, but it's just a fact that when you read a lot and watch a lot of television shows and movies, you come to be familiar with just about any plot twist that can get thrown at you, and you can usually see them coming.
I didn't see this one coming.
So, if you're into books that rip your heart out and make you crazy and then leave you trying to catch your breath and sort out your feelings and dying for the sequel, I suggest you go read this now.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.