Across the Universe

This book was largely what I was expecting it to be: sci-fi meets dystopian with just a hint of murder mystery. Totally unique, right down to the way the murders took place (and there was more murder than I was expecting). The end came with a full series of fantastic twists that left me surprised, impressed, intrigued, and very very happy, and honestly, I can't wait for A Million Suns, which I have already ordered.
That said, I did have a few problems with this book that I need to address, which will explain the missing stars: 1) There was one MAJOR event that took place about halfway through the book that was then completely forgotten, abandoned, and never really revisited again. For spoilers sake I won't tell you what this event WAS, but suffice it to say it was not something that should have been thrown in for the sake of a plot twist, and even though part of me understands why it happened, the other part was just confused and annoyed that it was added for basically no reason. I like plot twists that actually do something to affect the plot, but hey, that's just me. 2) Predictability. Even though there were twists on some aspects of the plot, and, admittedly, not everything worked out the way I expected it to (this is a good thing!), the general framework of the plot was exactly what I was expecting it to be. 3) Amy tends to whine. And complain. And feel sorry for herself. Granted, if I was in her position I would be exactly the same way, or possibly MUCH MUCH WORSE, so I understand where she's coming from. She pulled herself together a bit as the book went on, so there was definitely some logical character progression that should be praised.
The final thing I need to address before ending this review is the romance. It is completely and utterly expected before you even pick up the book, and yet it unfolds in a somewhat different way from what you might expect. It's not (to use a friend's term) "insta-love", at least not on Amy's end, and while I would certainly call it an instant attraction (bordering on a creepy level from Elder, if I'm being honest, at least in the beginning), there was no *snap* WE'RE SO IN LOOOOVE moment, of which I was very grateful. The framework for deep undying dramatic love is definitely there, and I'd be in complete shock if the trilogy didn't end with such love being in place, BUT this book felt like a logical stepping stone to that, which made me very happy.
All in all, I really did like Across The Universe. It was an interesting read, and I've certainly never read anything before that I can compare it with, because the plot, characters, and world in general are completely unique. I particularly recommend this if you are a sci-fi fan, but any dystopian fan looking to cross into science fiction would likely enjoy it as well. I'm not a huge sci-fi fan myself, and still found this to be an enjoyable read, so there you go. If it sounds like something you think you'll enjoy, go for it! I don't think you'll be disappointed.