This isn't something I can write an actual review for, as it's a guidebook and fun addition rather than an actual novel. If you are a fan of Cassandra Clare's books, especially TMI, then obviously you should read this (I recommend physical rather than e-book, I can't imagine the artwork and side notes come off as well in a digital version), and if you're not a fan then there is absolutely no reason for you to read this review, let alone the Codex. While there isn't a ton of information in here that you couldn't get from reading the actual novels, there's still some interesting history and well-organized facts for people who want some clarification or just enjoy getting heavily invested in the worlds their favorite books come out of. Oh, and the "handwritten" notes from Clary, Jace, and Simon are an awesome touch that almost make up for me having to wait until March for the last TMI book.